Edge UOL expects to implement five private cellular networks (PCNs) by the end of this year, says its COO, Rodrigo Lobo, in a conversation with Mobile Time. The company, which was set up a year ago stemming from a business unit of Compass UOL, acts as an integrator for projects involving IT, telecom, and IoT, such as those typically involved in PCNs.
“The 5G private network market took time to mature, as the sales cycle takes between eight and nine months. There has been a boom in the last three months. In this period, we have sent out 10 proposals for private networks,” says Lobo.
Edge UOL is running several PCN proofs of concept with companies from a wide range of sectors, including aviation, banking, power plants, retail, and the chemical industry.
Lobo explains that Edge UOL first tries to gain an understanding of the client’s business to identify how it can make it more efficient. It then defines the best network architecture for this purpose. Next, it ensures orchestration between all the partners. Finally, it handles the operation and maintenance of the network implemented. “The client talks to me and I talk to the suppliers. We work as a major integrator,” he describes.
UOL Edge gives preference to open technology standards, such as OpenRAN, but is not limited to them. It also works with different network infrastructure partners.
Of the five PCN projects expected to be implemented this year, four will be 5G and one 4G. “Clients really want 5G, but sometimes it’s not necessary. Depending on the characteristics of the project, 4G is enough,” says Lobo.
UOL Edge was one of 36 companies that helped produce the first Map of the Private Cellular Network Ecosystem in Brazil, an initiative by Mobile Time that mapped the existence of 128 PCNs in the country.
Source: Edge UOL espera implementar cinco redes celulares privativas este ano (Edge UOL Expects to Implement Five Private Cellular Networks This Year)